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Dealer Resources

On this page, you will find resources that are exclusive to ACES A/C SUPPLY dealers. For more general and consistent information, join our customer Facebook Group here.

PDF Resources

Thermostat Firmware Updates


  1. Insert a blank USB flash drive into your computer’s USB port
  2. Click on the appropriate software upgrade link and download to the flash drive…do not change the name of the upgrade file
  3. Remove flash drive from your computer
  4. Insert the Micro USB-to-USB adaptor cable, included with your control, into the Micro USB port on the side of the control. The control needs to remain powered during the upgrade process. Do not de-power the control or pull it off the wall during the upgrade process.
  5. Connect the flash drive into the USB side of the cable
  6. Press Menu > Settings > SW Upgrades. Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the software upgrade

Mitsubishi Resources

More DSB Resources:

  • If you’re interested in learning how to use the Diamond System Builder, follow this link to a helpful tutorial by Gary Sanders.
  • For a helpful PDF about how to download the Diamond System Builder, follow this link

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